Google ads

Google Ads, previously Google AdWords, is an online advertising platform that allows you to display ads on Google’s search results and partner sites. We cut through the nonsense to show you how Google Ads can drive revenue for your website with a focus on the best ROAS possible. Working with performance max campaigns, search and display campaigns, and even call ads, we squeeze every drop possible from Google’s arsenal of tools to deliver a ROI.

Through research and precise selection of relevant keywords, we work toward building campaigns targeted at users actively searching for specific products or services at the right point of the buying journey. Keyword strategy not only amplifies potential ad visibility but also attracts high-quality traffic and drives impactful engagement. By continuously refining keyword strategies, we optimise ad spend, eliminate wasted clicks, and maximise return on investment. By working these insights, we underscore the critical role of targeted keywords in achieving campaign objectives and elevating overall performance.

Ad Copy is often the initial point of interaction between a potential customer and your client’s brand. It must immediately capture attention and convey a compelling message, as users typically scan search results very quickly. The content must be carefully aligned with the targeted keywords and the user’s search intent, the alignment ensures that the ad feels relevant to the user, increasing the chances of a click and enhancing the overall user experience. Effective ad copy achieves higher click-through rates (CTR) and conversions, where poorly written ad copy can result in wasted ad spend and obvious missed opportunities.

The Bidding strategy in Google Ads is how we influence the priorities of ad spend i.e. how much to pay for each click or impression your ads get. Choosing the right style of strategy ensures using any budget as effective as possible, offering the best ROI, ROAS, or impressions starts right here. By choosing the right strategy, we can balance between being competitive and staying within your budget, ensuring you get the most value from your ads. Utilising the available campaigns, be it Shopping, Search, or Performance Max, set up to sell a brand, service or products, Google Ads is a fantastic opposite to the slow burn of SEO for a start-up, or to get ahead of larger brands for a specific term.

Our Google ad strategy